Story By: Blazers Media
Photo Credits: Blazers Media

10th June, 2024 – Nairobi, Kenya

As the final whistle blew on another thrilling season of the KVF National Volleyball League, we can’t help but celebrate the monumental success achieved by Blazers TV, in collaboration with the Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF). Throughout the season, Blazers TV has been the beacon of excellence, delivering unparalleled live streams of the playoffs accompanied by top-notch production values, including captivating drone shots, enticing commentary, and stunning action photos.

But the journey doesn’t end here. Blazers TV is committed to continuous improvement, striving to push boundaries and enhance the viewer experience even further. As part of this commitment, we are excited to announce their entry into the world of TikTok, promising engaging content to fans who have embraced the “Tap Tap The Screen” phenomenon. This move underscores Blazers TV’s dedication to staying at the forefront of sports media and catering to the evolving preferences of its audience.

None of this would have been possible without the invaluable support and collaboration of the Kenya Volleyball Federation. Their unwavering commitment to the development and promotion of volleyball in Kenya has been instrumental in Blazers TV’s success. From facilitating access to venues,  KVF played a pivotal role in bringing the excitement of volleyball to screens around the world.

A special appreciation goes out to the dedicated individuals behind the scenes at Blazers TV, who have worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this season. Their hard work and passion have not gone unnoticed. The team includes:

  1. Richard Joseph
  2. Martin Kimwele
  3. Catherine Abillah
  4. Tristine Akulla
  5. Byronduke “AKA” Zedel Junior
  6. Brian Omondi
  7. John Adir
  8. Luke Opeto
  9. Amos Ooko
  10. Idda Vera
  11. Emmanuel Yegon
  12. Florence Bosire
  13. Stanley Mutua
  14. Moses Ndichu
  15. Shiks Malenya

As we bid farewell to another exhilarating season, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the fans for their unwavering support. Your enthusiasm fuels our passion to deliver excellence, and we can’t wait to see you next season as we continue this incredible journey together.

Until then, stay tuned, stay engaged, and keep the love for volleyball alive.